
The Reader Appreciation Award

image-yahoo.com words-me
So I was nominated for The Reader Appreciation Award by the wonderful Forever Amber
I know pretty awesome right! Check out her blog its pretty cool!!

When you nominate a blog for The Reader Appreciation Award, you are stating you admire the person’s blog and recommend people check it out. Once you receive a nomination you must follow these rules.
1. Include the award logo somewhere in your blog.
2. Answer 10 questions (detailed below) about yourself, if you want to.
3. Nominate 10-12 blogs that you love. Or you pick the number.
4. Contact the nominated bloggers to let them know.
5. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you with a link in your blog.

Sadly I am unable to do one of these task due to I only have 1 follower and she's the awesome person who tagged me. So this is what I will do. I will redo this part once I do have more followers, but lets move on to the questions.

1. What´s your favorite color?

2. What's your favorite drink?
Sweet tea.

 3. Do you prefer Facebook or Twitter?

4. What's your passion?
Helping others.

5. What's your favorite pattern?
Vera Bradley.

 6. Do you prefer giving or getting presents?

7. What's your favorite number?

8. Favorite day of the week?

9. Favorite flower?
Tiger lilies.

10. Favorite Author?
J.K. Rowling.

Hope you all liked my answers. Thanks again!!!



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