
Farm Fest 2018



Bathtub Caddys

Hey dears. Recently I purchased a bathtub caddy & let me tell you this is one of the best purchases I've made in a while. They come in all shapes and sizes. Some are fairly simple & some have a little more to them. I have one like the above but in a darker brown & I love it. It hold all my face cleaners, along with some fake flowers, & even holds my wine glass. It also came with a soap holder. Definitely worth it. I got mine from amazon for $35.



Back At It

Oh hey again. Sorry again that It's been almost a month since I've posted. So here a quick update of my excuse for not posting.

I've been at my new job for over a month now & it's going great. I absolutely love it. The people I work with welcomed me with open arms & I couldn't be happier. 

Bub, after many ENT appointments, had surgery two weeks ago to reput in his tubes in his ears & to remove his tonsils. Tomorrow will be his first day back at daycare & I honestly think he cannot wait. 

Also want to throw in yesterday made hubby & my 6th wedding anniversary. He currently working in the yard for a month about an hour away & is staying in a hotel for work. Bub & I went go meet him yesterday to spend the night & go eat out. So Happy Anniversary Babe, we love you bunches.

So here's my crap reason for not posting lately, basically just been focusing on getting settled in my new job & working towards bub getting better.  I promise you'll see more post soon.

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