
Hospital Day #5 | Update

Hey dears! So as you can see by the title that yes we are still in the hospital. Mr Hayden is still content on baking, which is what we want, but that means momma has to endear severe boredom & cannot leave her hospital room. Someone told me recently, well at least you get a break & don't have to do anything. My response, until you have to go through this then don't assume you know what it feels like, because I'd rather be doing my regular lifestyle than to just have to sit here. But whats best for the baby is of course whats best for the baby.

I've had so many text, calls, messages, & visits that it helps the time fly, however even Netflix, no matter what you watch gets old. I've even resulted into downloading multiple different games to my phone to try and keep myself occupied. 

Baby update. They do a BPP ultrasound daily, NST monitor twice a day, & other than taking my normal medications and the antibiotics I really don't see much of the hospital people. IV is gone until baby decides to do something other than bake & were almost out of our 1 week watch mark. I also have to wear these compression things on my calves twice a day to make sure I don't get blood clots because I cant move around like I normally would. Don't get me wrong I move as much as possible but again I'm limited to my wonderful room. 

So for now we wait, how long will we have to wait, well thats up to little man, could be from now until January 1. Want to say a big thanks again to both of our families for everything that ya'll have done to help either here or a home or keeping me company.

Until the next post!


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