
15 Month | Update

Hey dears. It that time again for an update on bub. He recently made 15 months & let me tell you this kid gives me a run for my money. So let's do a break down.

He weighs 19.3 lbs & is 28.5 inches long. He still has a big head measuring at 18.5 inches. we're also update to date on all our shots.

He will literally eat or try anything. He still has a distaste for peas & green beans. His favorites are bread, rice, & noddles. He also had a big sweet tooth. Don't fret though, we don't go crazy giving him sweets. He recently learned to drink from a hard spout cup & drink from a straw. He has a love for milk too.

In shirts/onesies bub is rocking 12 months. In Pjs he's starting to outgrow his 12 month size, so I recently purchased a few 18 months. In pants/shorts bub is in 6-9 months. (short legs & small waist). Shoes we are in a size 3.

He sleeps throughout the whole night!

We are almost walking. He loves to hold your hands & walk with you. He also pulls up on anything he can get his hands on & walk along furniture. He is literally everywhere & tries to get into everything. He recently also learned to open & close drawers. FUN!

If you have been around him recently you will know he will talk your ear off, or sing it off. He was a wide range of words he knows, which the doctor says most kids don't have. He will sing Row Row (row row your boat) or E-I-E-I-O (old McDonald). He also calls Momo (Camo) & Ack (Max). But be careful what you say because he will try to repeat anything he hears you say.


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