
Brazilian Wax

Hey dears. So lets talk about something more adultish then what I normally post. Let's be honest a lot of women trim, shave, or wax in this day & age; it's a common thing to do. I personally am a fan of getting Brazilian waxes. I have done so since I was 15 weeks pregnant because at that time I got to the point where I just didn't have the energy for shaving, if I'm honest I didn't have the energy to do so before I was pregnant but did so anyway. 

After talking to a friend who was also pregnant at the time & hearing her say how much easier it was to get a wax & go see them ever 4 weeks and not worry about having to become a contortionist; it just captured my interest & my curiosity. I know what they say curiosity kills the cat but this time it just takes the hair off of it (yes that's my attempt at a joke).

I see my consultant, who is the best, every 3- 4 weeks, visits usually last about 10-15 minutes. What I love is she never makes it weird or awkward, she just talks to you and basically catches up with you like old friends. One of the good things about waxing is I find you don't have to worry about razor bumps or ingrown hairs (if you do proper aftercare). After your first visit they usually recommend you buy something call Tend Skin and it basically is this really strong alcohol smelling astringent that prevents ingrowns. 

I was always terrified of getting a wax in the past but I figured I was fixing to birth a child so nothing can compare to that pain wise & I was right. Pain wise it wasn't bad at all & in my personal opinion it was a great decision that eliminates something that can be so time consuming! 


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