
Puppy Love

Aloha. I have a feeling this will be a rambling blog of todays events. After working until 2 miss Skylar bug had to go for her yearly check up at the vet. I must say she's the only dog I know who's excited.

And with her its always fun events. When we got in the clinic this guy was having his "dog" checked out. His dog had run away and a lady had found him and contacted him. Cool fact was that it wasn't a dog at all but a full blooded wolf. Nicest "dog" ever! I love wolves, so it was extremely cool to be less then 2 feet from one.

After that we made a run to pet smart and she had WAY to much fun, and went get Steven's truck washed. That was the first time Skylar has ever been in, lets just say she thought it was interesting.

Once we got home and fed the puppies. We figured we would give them some time to play with their squeaky toys. It amazes me how their personalities are so different.

Max is the eldest. He's 5 years old. For 4 years he was the only baby and boy was he mad when we got the other two dogs. As he has gotten older he's not so much hyper any more but more laid back and just likes to watch what's going on instead of being at the front line. He LOVES his bones, socks, plastic bottles, & his squeaky toys.

Camo is 1 years old and he came second. He was so tiny when we got him now he is long and skinny. He is still as ADD as he was when he was a puppy and loves his cuddles. I think the funniest thing he does is when he's ready to go to bed he will go put himself to bed and get under the covers. He also will take yours finger in his mouth and pull to where ever he wants to go if he wants you to follow him. He loves socks, treats, & bones.

Skylar is 1 years old and as your might have figured out she came last. She's our biggest and our most hyper. She's also our most spoiled and needy. She always wants to be the center of attention. When we do something she doesn't like she gives us the "I'm to pretty for this" look. She loves, EVERYTHING!! Hence the spoiled rotten.


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