
Just Be Happy

Aloha. As I get older, I know personally I'm learning not to let stuff bother or bring me down. I'm sure many of you can relate. Sometimes the smallest things that happen that isn't part of our daily plan can really bring you down. I think we all reach a point in our life that makes it just not seem relevant anymore.

We live in a world that seems like its mission to bring others down. Whether if its with loss, drama, financial problems, etc. One thing is for sure, no one has a perfect life where something bad hasn't happened to them.
Growing up & going through high school there's one thing that I don't think any kid can escape, drama. No matter how much you try to stay out of it, it always will find a way to creep in your life. Try to ignore it as much as possible and just be the bigger person. If there is that one person who always tries to drag you into drama, maybe that person doesn't need to be a part of your life. Stay above it all.
I think at some time or another we all lose someone close in our lives. As a child I  lost my grandfather & my aunt. Those I never really had a chance to actually feel the loss of them, because at that age we don't really understand it. Recently I've lost some close to me & it really hit me hard (no this is not a sob story & I'm not begging for sympathy). I took his passing extremely hard and I think I cried just as much as his actual kids. We all have to deal with loss in our own way & I don't think any of us ever actually get over it. But we have to learn to live with it on a day to day basis. The most important thing to remember is that the person that has passed, the last thing they would want is for you to be unable to be happy and not to be able to live your life.
I think financial problems can be a touchy subject for most people. The one thing I like to remember is (sometimes depending of what kind of financial problems your having) is that God doesn't put you through anything that he doesn't already know you'll make it through.
With all this said I hope you have a happy and joyful day & make sure you hold your heads up high.

1 comment

  1. So sorry to hear about your loss, I love the concept of this post, everyone should strive to be happy xx



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