Hey dears. First off, Happy New Years to you all. I hope you all had a awesome & safe new years. Our New Years was amazing, but it did not include partying or staying up all night.
The day we had been waiting for finally came last Thursday. Hayden Michael arrived in this world at 5:21pm on December 29. He was 4lbs 4oz and 16.5 inches long. To say we in love is an under statement. He is currently in the NICU but he has had multiple amazing accomplishments daily.
Day 1 he had a cpap machine in his nose to help him breath, it was at the lowest setting (which is what we breath at), it was just to aid him incase he would need it. Let's just say he did not like it what so ever and spent more time taking it out of his nose then keeping it in. He was also started on a jaundice light. It also amazes me that he knew we were mom and dad right off the bat because he won't hold anyone else hand but ours.
Day 2 he was able to lose the cpap and go to a nasal cannula on 3L of oxygen & was able to start tube feedings with the little tube in his mouth getting 5ml every 3 hours, which he tolerated well. He was so much happier without the cpap. Today we also got to hold him for the first time which is an unreal amazing feeling.
Day 3 he was able to go down to 2L of oxygen & they increased his feedings to 10ml every 3 hours. His jaundice levels also started to come down. We also got to see his little peepers open, it's crazy how alert he was.
Day 4 they lowered his oxygen to 1L and increased his feedings to 15mL every 3 hours and so far he's tolerating everything perfectly. Hopefully at this rate tomorrow we can be oxygen tube free and continue to up his feedings. Also his jaundice level went down more and they removed the light that was under him, but kept the light on top of him.
To say we couldn't be happier with his progress is an understatement. The nurses and doctors are amazed at how fast he's progressing for how early his was. At this rate he may be home with in a week. (fingers crossed) Mommy & daddy cannot wait to get him home.