So I recently started getting back in the gym. Don't get me wrong its not like I'm going crazy with it but basically using the treadmill and bicycle for at least an hour. I usually do 2 miles walking and the rest of my time on the bicycle. I had originally stopped when we went through the miscarriage last August and figured its time to get back on my game. One thing I did stick with is my lack of drinking sodas. I used to drink a few a day now I may have one a week, if that. As for changes in eating habits, they weren't yo crazy. I'm already a very picky eater but I do have a new profound love for broccoli as long as its well steamed. Which is a huge deal for me. It's like pulling teeth for me to try new foods, so for me to find something new that I like it huge. I also tried to motivate myself by buying some new exercise shirts (see above). I think their quite cute if I do say so myself.

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