1. What is your favorite Christmas film?
2. Have you ever had a White Christmas?
We've never had a true White Christmas, maybe a few snow flurries but that's about as good as it has ever gotten.
3. Where do you usually spend your holiday?
With family at home!
4. What is your favorite Christmas song?
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) by Michael Buble or O Holy Night by Josh Groban.
5. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
Sure do! That's actually when we have always opened family gifts on Christmas Eve and gifts Christmas Day were Santas gifts....
6. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer?
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Bitzen... Thank you Jingle All The Way!
7. What holiday traditions are you looking forward to most this year?
We always get together at moms on Christmas Eve and my house for Christmas Day.
8. Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
Fake, but next year I would like to get a real tree just once.
9. What is your all-time favorite holiday food/sweet treat?
Peanut butter fudge.
10. Be honest: do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better?
I love giving gifts, it always makes me pretty excited.
11. What is the best Christmas gift you’ve ever received?
A car a few years ago.
12. What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?
New York. I would do anything to go see the Rockefeller tree and then see the ball drop on New Years’. Also to see it light up with all the lights!
13. Are you a pro-present wrapper, or do you fail miserably?
I am sort of a pro.
14. Most memorable Holiday moment?
I used to love riding around as a kid seeing the Christmas lights.
15. What made you realize the truth about Santa?
My parents broke the truth to me at 9.
16. Do you make New Years resolutions? Do you stick to them?
Sadly no, never really made any to keep.
17. What makes the holidays special for you?
Now that we are all grown and are having kids, I love just spending time with the family making great memories. Also my parents are getting older too so just cherishing the times we have while we have them.

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