Would you rather always take a cold shower or sleep an hour less than you need to be fully rested?
-Sleep an hour less.
Would you rather always get first dibs or the last laugh?
-Last laugh.
Would you rather always lose or never play?
-Always lose.
Would you rather always wear earmuffs or a nose plug?
-Wear earmuffs.
Would you rather be 3 feet tall or 8 feet tall?
-3 ft tall.
Would you rather be a deep sea diver or an astronaut?
-Deep sea diver.
Would you rather be forced to tell your best friend a lie or tell your parents the truth?
-Tell parents the truth.
Would you rather be forgotten or hatefully remembered?
-Hatefully remembered.
Would you rather be gossiped about or never talked about at all?
-Never talked about.
Would you rather be hairy all over or completely bald?
-Hairy all over.
Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds?
Would you rather be the sand castle or the wave?
Would you rather eat a bar of soap or drink a bottle of dish washing liquid?
-Drink dish washing liquid.
Would you rather eat a handful of hair or lick three public telephones?
-Lick 3 phones.
Would you rather eat a stick of butter or a gallon of ice cream?
-Gallon of ice cream.
Would you rather eat a stick of margarine or five tablespoons of hot pepper sauce?
-Stick of margarine.
Would you rather end hunger or hatred?
Would you rather get caught singing in the mirror or spying on your crush?
-Singing in the mirror.
Would you rather get even or get over it?
-Get over it.
Would you rather give bad advice or take bad advice?
-Get bad advice.
Would you rather give up your computer or your pet?
Would you rather go to an amusement park or to a family reunion?
-Amusement park.
Would you rather go without television or junk food for the rest of your life?
-Junk food.
Would you rather have a beautiful house and ugly car or an ugly house and beautiful car?
-Ugly car.
Would you rather have x-ray vision or bionic hearing?
-Bionic hearing.
Would you rather invent a cure for cancer or a cure for AIDS?

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