Hey guys. So lately I know I've been missing a post here & there. Things lately have been so nuts, from work, to having the flu, to Steven being home (hes ADD so when hes home were always on the go). This week something weird also happened. Last Friday we had our first ice/snow storm in YEARS & the even weirder thing was we had our second ice/snow storm again Tuesday. So work and schools were shut down until Thursday. One thing is for sure, the south is not prepared for that type of weather. People acted worse then they normally would for a hurricane. Luckily we didn't get the amount of rain the first expected us to have because it would have been a lot worse.
Also its February!!!! Already, time is flying by. I can also say I'm ready for spring. Not to hot, not to cold. Pretty flowers. Beach. Pools. Sun. Tanning.


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