
The Liebster Award

Hey bloggers. So recently I was nominated for the Liebster award by the wonderful Alanah & Sarah. Thanks so much ladies, check them out, they have a lovely blog!! 
The Liebster is an award made to promote blogs with under 200 followers or less to help get the, get noticed and hopefully gain a few more followers.

1 | Post the award on your blog.
2 | Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog.
3 | Write 11 random facts about yourself.
4 | Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 200 followers.
5 | Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 11 questions.

11 facts about me
1. I'm currently addicted to buying make up products.
2. I listen to Christmas music on and off year round.
3. I have 3 dogs that keep me on my toes.
4. I love Harry Potter.
5. If I could quit my job & travel the world, I would.
6. I am very organized.
7. I'm a LPN at a doctors office.
8. My birthday is tomorrow.
9. I like expensive things.
10. I love the original Disney films.
11. If I wasn't a nurse, I think I would like to do photography.

I wont nominate 11 but I nominate:
Libby Jade-http://libbyjade26.blogspot.com/

My questions from Alanah & Sarah
1 | Nail polish, plain or glitter?
Oh hard one, lets go with glitter.
2 | What are your favorite accessories?
Earrings & necklace. 
3 | Heels or Flats?
4 | Top makeup product?
5 | Dresses & Skirts or Trousers?
Trousers or pants as we day here. 
6 | Favorite place in the world?
Cancun, Mexico... so far. 
7 | Favorite eye shadow color to wear?
Neutral tones. 
8 | Favorite scent?
Dot by Marc Jacobs & Down Town by Calvin Klein. 
9 | Most worn pair of shoes that you own?
Tennis shoes (work shoes). 
10 | Favorite place to buy your makeup from?
Mac & Sephora.
11 | Worst outfit you've ever worn?
Many things when I was little.

My questions are:
1. Twitter or facebook?
2. Would you rather high end or drug store products?
3. Would you rather bubbles or bath bombs?
4. Favorite lipstick?
5. Spring or autumn?
6. Favorite piece or jewelry?
7. Would you rather never wear foundation or eye shadow ever again?
8. Favorite clothing store?
9. Favorite pair of shoes?
10. Favorite current nail polish?
11. Favorite product you cant live without right now?
Enjoy & please let me know when you've completed it, I would love to see your answers!!



  1. thankyou for mentioning us, and answering our questions.
    Happy birthday for tomorrow! x

  2. Congrats on your award sweetie, and a Very Happy Birthday to you. Hope you have the most magical and memorable day.

  3. Happy Birthdayyyyyyyyyyyy!! Thank you for nominating me, but major coincedence, I already had you on my list for The Sunshine Award!! You can check it out here :)

    Tigerlily's Beauty Blog | Sunshine Award


    1. Thanks x2 Jennifer :) I'll definitely check it out!!


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