
Madame President Bath Bomb

Hey dears. So my love of bath bombs has come again. Recently Lush had did a bring promotion for a bath bomb called Madame President. On one side it was red with a hug gold star and on the other it was blue with smaller white stars. Once dissolved all stars would float on top of your water. Smells amazing. Heres how Lush described it "The campaign's over - and you've won by a landslide! Form your cabinet with petitgrain oil that will keep you calm during the approaching term. Grapefruit is a valuable Secretary of State as its uplifting and antiseptic properties will be invaluable in bouying you up during the next national crisis. Cornflour rounds off the pack as a fabulous way to keep the skin soft and clean. So, no matter what you stand for, rest assured that you run the world. Good luck, Madame President, for the next four years!" It was definitely worth the buy!



Hello Again

Hey dears. To start off I want to say I know it's been a while but a few things, good things have been going on lately. So lets do a bit of a break down...

Hayden is now 20 months old. He now runs every where and talks, like actually talks like it's going out of style. He has finally fully adjusted to his new daycare, no more crying when mommy drops him off in the mornings. That makes my heart swell. 

I recently left my job of 7 years and started a new job with an OB/GYN & it's been one of the best decision I've made in a while. The jobs is really laid back and so much stress has gone because of it.

Family life if great. We've done a bit of redecorating and reorganizing & I love how it's coming together, however we still have a bit more to do.

Fall is approaching and I personally cannot fricking wait! It's one of my favorite seasons & I am ready for some cooler weather. (I already have my fall decor up... don't tell anyone

So thats a bit of whats been going on. What have yall been up to lately?

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