Hey dears. With spring & summer approaching who doesn't like a nice tan. I'm a lover of the tanning bed (yes I know it's bad for your skin), however I haven't tanned in a tanning bed in so long. So I went to fake tan or sunless tanning. I've tried a few different brands to see which ones work best for me & this one I found quite interesting. I saw this in Danielle Peazers Birthday Get Ready With Me Video. I figured why not give it a go. Now I got this in the light version, because lets be honest... I'm albino. It works over the course of at least 3 days. This comes out of the bottom as a white lotion. After you shower you just apply this all over & let it fully dry. Make sure you take a wipe & wipe the palms of your hands & in between your fingers, if not it'll be nice and dark in those areas. It work really well. Give you a nice even color, doesn't leave any residue on your clothes. It also smells amazing. Definitely work giving it a shot, I got mine off of Amazon.
Nova Scotia, Canada
Hey dears. Quite recently I had a big talk with my husband & family, finally decided that Kimberly, bub, myself, & possibly my husband & a few other family members will be making a trip to Nova Scotia, Canada in summer 2019. Why you may ask? Well us losers are going to tour Oak Island. If you have no clue what I'm talking about then you apparently have not seen the TV series The Curse of Oak Island. Now don't get me wrong, I don't know whether there is anything on the island or not (for their sake I hope there is). I think it would be awesome to visit either way, to see what I've been watching on TV for so long. I know a few people don't believe me that I really am going to Canada, but I have started the saving process & also researched literally everything that I would or could need. (ie child passports, regulations needed for traveling with one parent (just in case), etc) There will also be other site seeing too. I cannot wait, I've been waiting to some traveling for a while now. Here's to a good trip!
Shoot For The Stars | Lush
Hey dears! Yes, I know what you're thinking... Yes it's another Lush post, but I love my bath bombs! This one was different then most bath bombs. Basically all the blue dissolves first and your stars are more of a bath melt. So your left with floating stars. Smells like citrus, turns your water this really pretty teal color with shimmer. I really enjoyed this one!
Snow Fairy: Jelly Bomb | Lush
Hey dears. So Lush had another new one for their Christmas series. It's basically Snow Fairy shower gel in the form of a jelly bomb. The difference between a regular bath bomb & a jelly bomb is a jelly bomb takes a little longer to dissolve, you can either let it go on its own or put in under the tap. Smells great, turns your water a really pretty dusty pink.
Baby's First ER Visit
Hey dears. So this is something that no parent wants to have to do but recently we had to take bub to a ER. Lets start at the beginning.
This starts on a Thursday, bub woke up around 2:30 am with a bad cough, enough to make me get up and go check on him. He was a little warm and had a runny nose & my first thought was "Oh great RSV." Gave him some medicine & he feel back to sleep, but you could see he did not feel well. I called in that day & took him so the doctor. Everything we test for was negative, they didn't have a test RSV but he had all the symptoms so we were going to treat him like he did have RSV (which there is none really, it has to run its course). So we headed home & he was on a rotations of Tylenol & Zarbees Cough & Mucus.
Friday & Saturday bub did great, didn't really run a temperature. Sunday is when things started to turn bad. That afternoon he was more fussy & just wasn't himself. He was still eating and drinking though. Monday he had a temperature that just wouldn't go down & after seeing the doctor again that morning & retesting. It was decided that it was still just RSV, started him on antibiotics. He also had this sore pop up on his hip in his diaper area too which went from small to big in a few hours. So he went home with my parents for the rest of the day.
When I checked in on him that afternoon around 4:30 they said he had stopped drinking & didn't want to eat, he also just wanted to lay there (which isn't my child at all). So I made the decision to leave work early since we were basically done for the day & went home to see for myself how bub was. He wasn't well. He just wanted to lay against me & would whine. He temperature still wouldn't come down. So I made the decision to bring him to ER because the last thing I wanted was for him to get admitted.
So long story short, they got us in really quickly & were really friendly. They started an IV (just in case) & also used it to draw some labs. So end story was they gave him medicine to bring down his temperature, his flu, strep, x-ray, & all labs were negative. RSV was positive like we thought. The sore was diagnosed as a boil. The started him on another antibiotic along with the one he was given that morning. Luckily no fluids were needed & he's also been fever free since. I took off the Tuesday with him just in case, but he did well. He still is on his antibiotics. He had a few days to where by that afternoon he was exhausted but he has since recouped. His boil is looking so much better too. Cough is still lingering but that's usually the last thing that goes away.
So yeah that was my fun filled week!
Christmas Sweater 2017
Hey dears. I haven't done a Lush post in a while. I know Christmas has come and gone already, however I have a few left overs that I wanted to blog about. This is one I haven't bought in the past but I hope it'll be a regular. It replicates the ugly Christmas sweater. Smells very woodsie. It turns the water a redish orange color & smells amazing!
Getting My Head Back Into The Game | 2018 Goal
Hey dears. HAPPY NEW YEAR'S! As you can see from the title I'm back at it again. We recently changed gyms, cheaper with a lot more options & I'm honestly excited. I plan on working out on Saturday's & Sunday's. I got me some new gear & if you cannot tell tanning is one of those perks. (please don't preach to me about tanning)
Now I know I can lose a few pounds (more that just a few). But in all honestly I'm actually under my pre-pregnancy weight. My true reason for doing it is to build up stamina, I want to be able to run around with bub & not feel like I'm dying & if I lose some weight from it then right on! Because lets be honest he's a highly active child already & he can't even crawl, so we can all guess what he will be like once he can walk. I've also been finding myself in situations in which a lot of walking is required, which I'm fine doing, however it now requires possibly having to carry a 18lb+ baby. That in it self can wear a person down really easily.
What do I use for gym gear? Well my gym gear consists of my tanning googles, baby wipes (to wipe the lotion off my hands), tanning lotion, water bottle, a towel, headphones, & my gym bag. I also ordered some new attire which in on it's way currently. For my face I got this gym bundle from Sephora consisting of a lip rescue in nude, lifted mascara in black brown, highlighting moisturizer, & eye make up remover wipes.
So moral of the story I'm getting my head back into the game, get a tan, lose some pounds, & count my steps again.
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