Guys my baby is a year old. How is that even possible?
Now where to start? He's doing amazing. He's a big ball of energy.
Food & Milk
He's almost 19 lbs. The kid loves to eat. If you eat anything in front of him, he's going to stare you down until you give him a bite. He now has 10 teeth. He loves rice with any topping, he eats small bites of meat, & eats puffs like their going out of style (he loves to reach his hand in the container & take them out himself). He is also a lover of noodles, but he'll eat anything you put in his mouth. He's also now fully on whole milk & is a milk addict. He also likes a bit of juice.
He can say mama, dada, bye bye, bite, book, papa, no, dog, & bad. He's even repeated thank you & what's that back to me & my mom before. Like how, how are you old enough for this!
On The Move
He army crawls everywhere, literally. He's in that stage where he looks for anything on the floor to put in his mouth. He has acquired a lot of new toys after his birthday party so he is all over the floor & bounces from toy to toy. He laughs at the simplest, most random things ever (if you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you'll know this). He is literally full of personality. He can also sit up & he's starting to pull himself up, not on furniture (mine is to high for him to reach) but he'll pull himself up on people. If you hold his hands he'll walk too.