
One Years Old

Guys my baby is a year old. How is that even possible?
Now where to start? He's doing amazing. He's a big ball of energy. 

Food & Milk
He's almost 19 lbs. The kid loves to eat. If you eat anything in front of him, he's going to stare you down until you give him a bite. He now has 10 teeth. He loves rice with any topping, he eats small bites of meat, & eats puffs like their going out of style (he loves to reach his hand in the container & take them out himself). He is also a lover of noodles, but he'll eat anything you put in his mouth. He's also now fully on whole milk & is a milk addict. He also likes a bit of juice.

He can say mama, dada, bye bye, bite, book, papa, no, dog, & bad. He's even repeated thank you & what's that back to me & my mom before. Like how, how are you old enough for this! 

On The Move
He army crawls everywhere, literally. He's in that stage where he looks for anything on the floor to put in his mouth. He has acquired a lot of new toys after his birthday party so he is all over the floor & bounces from toy to toy. He laughs at the simplest, most random things ever (if you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you'll know this). He is literally full of personality. He can also sit up & he's starting to pull himself up, not on furniture (mine is to high for him to reach) but he'll pull himself up on people. If you hold his hands he'll walk too.



12 Days of Harry Potter Socks | Day 12



12 Days of Harry Potter Socks | Day 11



Baby's Christmas Eve Box

Hey dears! Let me start off with I absolutely LOVE how bubs Christmas Eve Box came out. I got his off of Etsy (you can view their store here). Great price, fast shipping (even with it having to go through customs). It also smells amazing, I love the smell of fresh pine. So to put in his box I got him a cute Rudolph the Reindeer light up toy, a new pair of pjs & socks, The Christmas Story book, & The Classic Christmas movies. For his first Christmas I think that will do. 

What items would you put in your child's Christmas Eve Box?



12 Days of Harry Potter Socks | Day 10



Teacher GIfts

Hey dears. So a few weeks ago I was going down my Christmas List to see who I had left to buy for & then it dawned on my that my child has teachers & I was suddenly like "crap I need to get them something" (he has 6 total at his daycare). So after some Pinteresting & researching, Raven at Monkey Business had posted some oven mits with mixing spoons and a bag of mix & that was prefect. So when I messaged her about them, she also told me that she had a few cute teacher sayings she could put on them & this was the finial result. All I did after that was find these cute tags from Pinterest & bound them in some brown twine. Below is a picture of the oven mits in all their glory before I added the tags.



12 Days of Harry Potter Socks | Day 9



12 Days of Harry Potter Socks | Day 8


Hayden's 1st Birthday Photos

Hey dears. Hayden had his 1st birthday photo session this past weekend. The wonderful Mallory took these beauties & what can I say I love her work. As you can see there are a few pictures missing, like the smash cake part. Well you see my kid refused to do it, that's why there is a picture of me sitting with him eating icing off my finger. That was as good as it got, so we'll try this weekend at his birthday party. Let's take a look at the rest.



12 Days of Harry Potter Socks | Day 7



12 Days of Harry Potter Socks | Day 6



12 Days of Harry Potter Socks | Day 5


DIY Peppermint Candy Sugar Scrub

Hey guys. So I saw this and thought how cute and easy those would be to make for Christmas gifts. I found this amazing post about these on Emily's page

So for this project you will need:
* mason jars
* ribbon or twine
* labels
* white sugar
* red food coloring
* fractionated coconut oil
* peppermint essential oil

I'm using these cute 10 ounce short square mason jars with some brown twine along with the print labels from Emily's page.

You will need the following measurements of your ingredients:
* 1.5 cups of sugar separated into two bowls
* 1 cup fractionated coconut oil separated into two bowls
* 12 drops of peppermint essential oil in both bowls
* 4-5 large drops of red dye in one bowl

Once you have mixed everything together now you're going to lay the red and the white into your mason jars. Now you have some play with the coconut oil, if you want the layers to stay separated you can put a little less of it. 

I think they turned out quite cute, would this be a project you would try out?



12 Days of Harry Potter Socks | Day 4



DIY Peppermint Hot Chocolate In A Mason Jar

Hey dears. This year I decided to try this cute little DIY for a Christmas gift for a few people. I found this recipe from Love Grows Wild & you can see her post here. So her recipe is as follows:

  • 6 tablespoons powdered creamer
  • 6 tablespoons powdered milk
  • 6 tablespoons powdered sugar
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons milk chocolate chips
  • 2 tablespoons candy canes, chopped into small pieces
  • ½ cup mini marshmallows
  • pint size mason jars (wide mouth)
  • labels
  • twine or ribbon

  1. Layer the powdered creamer, powdered milk, powdered sugar and cocoa powder in the bottom of a pint wide-mouth mason jar. Then add the chocolate chips and candy canes and place the mini marshmallows on top to fill the rest of the jar. 
  2. When ready to use, remove the marshmallows from the top of the jar and mix the remaining ingredients together. Add ½ cup of the mix to 1 cup of boiling water in a mug and stir until completely combined. Top with marshmallows and enjoy!

She also has these cute labels you can also print out & attach to your gift. I think it makes a cute & fun little DIY Christmas gift!



12 Days of Harry Potter Socks | Day 3



12 Days of Harry Potter Socks | Day 2


Favorite Christmas Movies Of All Time

Hey dears. Tis the season for some of our favorite Christmas movies will soon be appearing on TV & i personally cannot wait. So I figured why not post some of the all time favorite Christmas movies.

So what are some of your favorite Christmas movies?



Tips For Handling Baby's First Stomach Virus

Hey dears. Lets be honest part of parenting means taking care of our little ones no matter the circumstances. Recently bub's daycare had a virus go through the place. Now don't get me wrong, he did it from daycare, but once it happened daycare did everything in their power to stop it from spreading. The day after it hit employees & children, they shut down to do a massive wipe down. On this day off bub woke up around 3am vomiting & this happened about 2 other times that day. Then came the diarrhea. Now don't get me wrong, he didn't blow through 50 diapers or nothing massive, but when he did go it was loose (don't be grossed out, it's part of parenting).  Well he slept perfectly through the night & I thought it was all going well yesterday morning until he had his bottle.... Not even a full minute after he finished his bottle he blessed him & myself with all 5 ounces of it. Lets not forget the other two loose diapers he had that day also.

So here are my tips:
1. Milk bottles are not babies friend during this time.
2. Pedialyte will be your best friend.
3. So will puffs. 
4. Let baby have as much as they want, especially if they can hold it down.
5. It's ok if baby doesn't eat baby food either.
6. As long as baby is having multiple wet diapers, it's ok for baby to have only his juice (pedialyte).
7. Low grade fever is normal & baby will sleep a lot.

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